Covid-19: La forma más segura de limpiar nuestro smartphone
How to clean your mobile phone to avoid contagion


4Phones presents a guide published in the newspaper where the main manufacturers and mobile brands give us advice to obtain correct hygiene in our devices and thus avoid contagion, as well as what we must avoid doing to make our mobile phone suffer damage caused by cleaning and / or disinfection practices.

Without falling into alarmism or excessive recommendations, with the times, it is advisable to maintain good hygiene measures in the objects that we use in our day to day life. It is enough to follow some small daily hygiene recommendations to preserve the good care of the electronic devices in our home.


The smartphone is one of the objects that gets the most dirt and, in an emergency like this, it is essential to keep it clean, safe from viruses and bacteria. In addition, the mobile is in direct contact with the hands and face, two of the main routes of contagion of the coronavirus. For this reason, brands such as Apple and Samsung have published manuals on how to clean the screens without damaging them.

The first recommendation to keep in mind is that it is not necessary to use harsh cleaning chemicals such as sprays, bleaches or abrasive liquids.

It is also not recommended to spray the cleaning liquid directly on the product. It is also important to prevent moisture from entering areas such as the charging point or headphone jack.

Samsung explains that the surface should be cleaned gently with a clean, soft cloth. Only if necessary you can moisten the corner of a cloth with a small amount of water and wipe it over the screen very gently. With the dry corner of the cloth we remove the traces of moisture.


Apple goes a step further and has launched a series of recommendations to all its users in which it is specified how to clean iPhones and iPads correctly.

Following these tips, it is a good idea to gently wipe 70% isopropyl alcohol wipes or disinfectant wipes over the screen, keyboard, and other external surfaces.

There is also the option of using a soft, lint-free cloth for cleaning. A good idea is to use microfiber cloths. Ideally, make up and down movements, use a dry cloth to remove moisture, and have a screen protector to make cleaning easier.

Do not forget how important it is to disinfect your smartphone when you get home as it is not to touch your eyes or other parts of your face when using it, you should also wash your hands with some frequency. Despite the fact that these indications are directed to all the products of the American giant, they are advice applicable to the rest of the electronic devices in the home.



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